Happy New Year!
It's a time of reflection and resolution, a beginning of the year personal tidying.
It feels especially important for me in 2020, as we have so many upcoming changes.
So here goes what plans I have for the New Year!
1. Prepare early for events
In the past, I've typically waited until the month before an event to really start preparing. This year will be different! I've started a schedule for my beadwork and stitching so that I may have more stock available for Greenfield Village. I'm also teaching a class at the Ohio Regimental Military Ball and selling my wares, so it helps to be prepared. No more rushing for me!
I'm teaching a class on how to make these!
2. Be more innovative in the shop
I have a secret that's only slight secret-there are many, many pieces of jewelry/historic crafts that I would like to try, but do not because they are intimidated or I feel rushed with other projects. I'm going to try one new thing each month. Some I may never do again; others will push me in my research to be a better shop owner and reenactor.

I'm thinking a gloves bag is in order
3. Pay attention to details at the conference
Last year was hectic for The Citizen's Forum of the 1860's. We relocated to a new historic spot AND my Mom could not be there as was helping my sister with her newborn (Reed was born while I was setting up for the conference lol). Now we have a year under our belt with my Mom very excited to make some changes. She attended The Domestic Skills Symposium with me in November and purchased a few historic cookbooks. There's at least some springerle cookies on the way, as well as a "closer look" published booklet that will be added this year. Definitely must plan for this!

4. More writing for the blog
This was one of my resolutions last year, and I certainly hit the mark. Ideally I will have a post at least once a week, 4x a month. I got halfway to that goal in 2019, let's see how it goes this year!
5. Healthy living=better fitting reenacting clothes
I've always had a tough time with my eating habits. I can clean a plate and ask for seconds quicker than most people can bat an eyelash. As I've gotten older, I've noticed it push at my waistline just a bit. In 2019 I lost about 30 pounds, but I still want to lose more in order to fit into my older reenacting ensembles. It's mostly diet with a splash of exercise thrown in. Those of you with expensive costume closets know; gaining weight can be difficult if it means you have to replace an entire wardrobe.

Roasted chestnuts!
6. Be okay with change
Reed will be a year in March. I'm planning a trip maybe to Alaska. Dom and I may be getting married sometime this summer. I might have to quit my job and move to a new city if my fiance finds a job out of our area. We are in a transition period in our lives so I have to be okay with change. I'm the sort of person who likes to know everything that's coming (Ah, anxiety). But we do not have that luxury in 2020, so I'm trying to find a positive spin on all this change.
So goodbye 2019!
Hello 2020!
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