Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Becky: 8 hours and First Fitting

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and for those who went to school too!
Last week I almost completed the corset! I spent ALL day working on it! I was so happy to have it almost finished!

Look at this back! That's a sweet back.

I began working on the hip inserts, on one side, although the instructions said to begin with the bust gussets first. I found out why later on....

Here is the proof of why I need to learn to follow instructions. It was a little difficult to finish the bust edges when half of the corset was already sewn together.

This is what the other side looked like, and it was so much easier to flatten and finish the edges, than it was on the other side. Like I said earlier, this pattern asked to sandwich the gussets between the layers, but the edges around the gusset needs to be finished first.

And so, I worked 8 hours working on this corset with the enthusiasm and hope to get the corset done, I had my first fitting!:

The front looks great! The sides may need another fitting, but the back.....

OH! The back. UGH!

I knew I would need help, therefore I called in the experts. If you every need advice, Facebook has a "group" just for reenactors: "The Civilian Closet". They are great and they will tell you the truth straight up, even if you dont want to know.

And they told me the truth....

I need to do the corset all over!

I was hoping to have it done by Ft. Wayne, but I dont want to get too stressed over it. Plus Im in no need of a maternity corset just yet. I decided not to work on this corset for sometime, but to place my focus elsewhere.


I have made this 40's housedress some years ago. I have some wonderful lightweight wool for this dress. I figure if Im lounging around the house or working and using it as it was, wool would be perfect!

The wonderful boyfriend also surprised me with this bracelet! I love this emergency bracelet! It has the boyfriend's emergency number engraved on the back too! I thought it was perfect for work, in case anything happens at the hospital, and/or driving. What if I got into an accident? However, when I do start showing, it would be a little more obvious that I am pregnant!

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