Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kristen: Greenfield Village Day 1

There is no way to sum up the awesomeness that transpired over those four days. I am completely exhausted, but I will try!

First, Dom (boyfriend) and I rushed to get everything packed at the last second and to get in line to wait outside the gates. We found a nice shady spot, set up, and proceeded to go out to dinner.

Mexican food!

When we returned, we found the gates locked! I panicked and called Ken Giorlando, our civilian coordinator and dear friend. He calmed my fears and guided us to the proper after hours entrance. By the time we returned to camp, we were ready for bed. A little bit of time around the campfire and we coconneed ourselves like little butterflies, as the temperature had dropped to 37 degrees. We woke up to ice on the ground, a deflated air mattress, and our first day!

You jerk. I trusted you.

We dressed, with Dom looking dapper and myself in a pretty blue floral dress. I've not posted much about its construction, but it was comfortable. I spent the day squiring around family, and not taking any pictures!

It was this dress!
Credit Ken Giorlando

In any case, you'll notice that the next two posts will be much more detailed with many more pictures.

Ken took this one too!



On My Bookshelf: December

December has been a really rough month. Between what happened in Oxford (not far from where I live...) and just the general pandemic issues,...