Monday, May 20, 2013

Kristen: GF Village Prep.

It is that special time of year! Everyone is extremely busy preparing for Greenfield Village, one of the top events in the state of Michigan. So many people attend this event nearly every second is on the curious eyes of the public. It is exhaustingly awesome! My family will be visiting every day, so I am already prepared to be tired...

GF Village 2012: Note the exhaustion on my face...

Since this is such a big event, large amounts of planning are involved. In reality, much of this preparation takes place for other events, such as Jackson or Charlton Park, but GF is the first big hurrah of the season, meeting with fellow reenactors, shaking the cobwebs out of our tents. This time can be incredibly stressful, and to calm my anxiety, I have created a basic how-to for the prep. Obviously these are just suggestions, but it seems to work for me!

I have to play tetris with my car to fit this stuff in there. Planning is mandatory.

1. Finish major sewing projects at least 1-2 weeks beforehand. Seriously, a button here, a hem there is no big deal. Creating an entire dress from scratch will stress you out.

I break this one every year. Why do I make these rules?

2. Plan grocery shopping/meals in advance. Will you need a cooler? What will the weather look like? How many people are you bringing? Do you plan on eating the food at the event? GF has Eagle Tavern, a historical tavern in the village that serves period appropriate food. It's easier than cooking over a fire, but it can be expensive...

Yes, I am the only one in my family who reenacts...

3. Set up all equipment at least a few days in advance. Give yourself some leeway in case a stake or two goes missing. Does the air mattress have holes? Did you lose a tent pole? These things can be impossible to replace once you get to your event.

This is a covered cot with farby stored underneath. It looked appropriate!

4. Set aside/clean outfits. I have left behind a petticoat because I accidentally left it in the dryer right before I left. Also plan on something getting wet/torn during the trip, so bring extra things if it is possible. I'm working on a garment bag to store said things...

One for Carrie, one for Becky with this material

5. Make a comprehensive list of everything, from toothbrushes to tent poles. Don't check it off until it makes it to the car/trailer! I know so many reenactors who have left behind items they *thought* they packed. Matches are replaceable, but a missing corset could be a problem.

Can't forget my new Fugawees. Soft as butter...

So here is my plan for the week, broken down more specifically into days. When I feel overwhelmed by a task, I tend to break it down into smaller chunks to make it seem possible. The countdown has begun!

Monday: Wash blankets, set up tent and fly, blow up air mattress. Iron one dress. Create grocery list.

Tuesday: Completely clean out car, pack cookingware in wooden box, iron next dress and put all clothing into traveling storage unit.

Wednesday: Grocery day.  Start dough for bread. Lay down carpets in car, pack 1-2 boxes. Do any last minute sewing. 

Thursday: All items need to be packed except the food. Any last minute sewing? Gluing? Crying?

Friday: Pick up boyfriend from house with food cooler after work. Setup at around 5pm. Relax afterwards???

I will try to follow my list. Anything beats jamming my car full the morning of the event and stuffing my face full of fast food the whole time...

Looking this good requires time, hard work, and easy food



  1. I enjoy seeing what you are sewing and your attention to detail in your clothing. Now about that quilt you have on your cot! From a quilt historian's perspective it is a jarring note-not even close to time period!!

  2. Oh no! It is a hand me down that I inherited from another reenactor, and didn't even think twice. Do you know of sources for quilts? I'm afraid that's one detail that I've not researched as thoroughly...

  3. Crying on Thursday is expected. LOL Im sure I have Ulcers because of this event, like you with studying, already! AHHHH

  4. Well, I know lots of sources but authentic is expensive and reproduction is probably not that cheap! If you do some searching on the Internet you can come up with a wide range of options.


On My Bookshelf: December

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