Monday, January 21, 2013

Becky: Completed embroidered braces with tutorial

I've been working on my dad's braces for a while. In fact, they were supposed to be a Christmas gift last year or even the year before! This week I was finishing them at the sewing party. I'm happy another project is crossed off my list and dad is happy to be able to wear awesome braces for his wedding.
Embroidery comes easy for me, but I'd love to show you my technique!

1) Trace your pattern on parchment paper with a pencil
2) Place the tracing on the braces or on the latest work to continue.
3) Embroider through the fabric and paper
4) Finally remove paper by streaming paper and tearing.
I'm now working on a custom dress someone asked me to make and finish my 

I need your help deciding on which colors to use for my first Rev war dress!
Should I go with the pink jacket with a blue shirt or blue jacket with pink skirt?

With Love,


  1. I like the pink coat with the blue under skirt. I love seeing pink during the Revolutionary War!

  2. Rebecca...I am THIS CLOSE to buying a Rev. War civilian outfit. THIS CLOSE! I hope by next year...maybe...


On My Bookshelf: December

December has been a really rough month. Between what happened in Oxford (not far from where I live...) and just the general pandemic issues,...