Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Racism in the Reenacting Community still totally a thing. I've been collecting some comments, by the way. Turns out people are very angry and violent. And we wonder why events are cancelled? These are from different groups I am apart of. If you think things need to stay the same, you are VERY wrong...

*WARNING: Strong language, violent/racist commentary below

Image may contain: text

Image may contain: text that says 'Larry Lockwood Cristal Bailey no I'm not but my ancestors were not slave owners nor racist but they did fight for their freedom for the confederacy Does this make them traitors? No they were hero's Like Reply 2m Larry Lockwood Cristal Bailey if you feel they were not hero's and feel black lives matter more than anyone else's then you do need to leave the group All lives matter not just the blacks Like Reply 1m'
We need to take a hard look at the reenacting community and begin change. Until then, these events need to stop. Perhaps that will make people actually think.



  1. Disgusting.
    I had to laugh at the screenshot of the John Needham post though. He is well-known even by neo-Confederate idiots as a complete off-the-wall narcissist. I don't think anyone, even those who might identify with his crazy rhetoric, takes him seriously anymore. The others... well, I'm just glad you didn't blur out any names. The more we all know who to stay away from, the better.

  2. As a French and Indian war reenactor Ill tell you it is wrong to apply or compare modern standards, morality or life style on reenactments.I strive to bring out true facts rather it be good or bad,I want the full true story told..With that said I will say seeing when people do ugly vandalism to public and historic sites it does tend to make some people angry why would you not expect as much.Learn the true history,it is more than high school taught ,take it as it is and nothing more.

    1. Then we need to fully confront the crappy things the reenacting community has done over the years. And no, I do not expect personal threats and racism when people vandalize a public site. To be honest, those people were already threatening/being racist, so they're just using it as an excuse.


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