But I realize just how absolutely lucky I am. My jewelry business, while important to me, is one of three jobs I work. It's more of a side job that lets me do cool things. There are many people who are not in the same boat, and my heart breaks for them. The loss of vending during a reenacting season could mean the end of a small business. The loss of yearly fundraisers could cause a museum to close its doors forever. A bummer for me is a complete game-changer for others.
This is why I decided to put this list together. Whether or not you personally believe the quarantine is necessary, we can all agree that we can all do something small every day to help keep reenacting alive. While donating financially is a huge help, there are other ways to get involved. Every little bit aids in keeping the doors open for so many people when this is over.
Aid Small Businesses
First and most importantly, we should try to support financially. Money in the bank keeps these small businesses opened. But it is completely understandable that you are also in a similar situation. No worries! You power as a consumer actually makes quite a difference.
-Buy items from them! Or gift cards
-Like/share all products that you see on social media
-Leave positive reviews
-Post pictures of yourself using their product
-Post pictures of yourself using their product
-Send kind words via messenger
Help Cancelled Events
As someone who is personally affected by this, I feel this pain. People spend over a year planning an event, just to cancel for the safety of others. It is very disheartening, and feels like your work was for nothing. In reality, most of us want those events to keep going. Show the organizers that you would like it to continue!
-Donate part of your registration if possible
-Contact the organizers and offer kind words
-Like and follow their page on social media
-Plan for next year and recruit others to go with you
-Offer to help with the next event in some way
-Offer to help with the next event in some way
Give back to Museums/Historic Sites
-Participate in their online events. In the past, many museums have looked at attendance to support their calls for funding. They say: "we had x number of people in the past year." Those numbers are going to be waaay down. Visit the page. Watch the LIVE video. Give them those numbers electronically. They will eventually use that data in the future.
-Donate money to museums/site
-Buy from their gift shop
-Like/share any online posts
-Offer any tech help if needed
-Join their volunteer group/plan for it
-Start a fundraiser on FB: Even a small goal helps!
-Start a fundraiser on FB: Even a small goal helps!
Become a Patron
Patreon is a lovely online community that allows people to financially support artists. My friends Cheyney and Anna have one, and I think it is wonderful that we have an opportunity to support their art. You have the option of donating once, or doing monthly payments. $1-3+ a month is a very inexpensive but effective way to support these individuals! Research is not the most lucrative of jobs, and many of the events will not happen this year. Imagine if everyone dedicated at least $10 a month to an individual who does such work for the community...oh the possibilities!
Here I am, in my Regency Patron of the Arts ensemble
Participate in Online Communities: FB/Blogs/Etc.
Comment, share, like. Show the organizer/mods that this is still a thriving community that must continue. Contribute content if you can. Visit the blog and show them that you are reading. The internet is a big source of entertainment/information for many people right now, so let's keep those sites busy!
Post all the food pics
-Share a picture or project that relates to the group
-Comment/like other people's work
-Participate in any educational video activities
-Invite other like-minded individuals to join
So...How Much is Enough?
That is entirely up to you. I try to do something to support someone in the community electronically several times a day. Once a week I try to purchase something small from a history based business. I support Patreons monthly. And I'm already planning on speaking for a local history museum sometime this summer to help them be more proactive with their online presence.BUT...these are all just suggestions. You may be the friend that helps a business owner with orders, or sends supportive personal messages to the volunteers of a reenacting group. How you help depends on your situation, but your willingness to do so makes all the difference.
So in these times of trouble...be good, folks.