Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Greenfield Village 2017

Ah, the post-Greenfield exhaustion. I trudge to my classroom, barely able to keep my legs moving forward. From mosquito bites to an achy back, it's the closest thing to a reenacting hangover I've ever experienced. And yet, I go back every year for more!
Pictured: Exhausted and Exhilarated

That's because despite all, this reenactment is worth it. This has been my 7th year at the Greenfield Village Civil War event(3rd as a vendor), and it still surprises me. Just when I think I've seen everything, I find one more thing that makes the event exciting all over again. It could be the fantastic blue dresses in the pavilion. Or that new style dress a friend is showing off. Perhaps it was the delicious noodles I devoured at the Eagle Tavern. There are 10,000,000 things to do at Greenfield Village, and I realize that I've only done a few of them.

Dresses from Pam Yockey's collection
Tears from Kristen Mrozek's eyeballs

This year, as I have in others, I worked to improve the items at my vendor tent. The butterflies and dragonflies were a big hit, with many spectators purchasing them. I asked one woman why she bought one so quickly-apparently both butterflies and dragonflies are often considered a sign from a loved one who has passed. It was fantastic to see so many people stop and do a double-take, reenactors included. The fact that I raised over $100 so far for Crooked Tree Arts Center in honor of Kelly Dorman makes it all the more special. Looks like there's a kindergartener who will get a chance to go to summer art camp! P.S.-You can also donate here.
And they also look fantastic on leaves

Another awesome thing from this year: seeing my goddaughter and her younger brother grow. I've been fairly absent in their young lives for the past four months due to a hectic conference and hectic vendor preparation. The little ones are past the point of tiny mewling creatures; they have personalities, opinions, and all sorts of odd things about them. I'd have to say I prefer older children, or at least at this stage of being. Little Cynthia even helped out around the shop! Becky did a fantastic job on their clothing, so they made perfect assistants. Even if Cynthia's main job was to do quality control on the mud in front of the tent...
 Loving on her brother!
She actually let me do her hair...
Kids are strange sometimes
Last two photos by Lee Cagle

I almost forgot about the shop! As usual, it was a very successful event. It's awesome to see reenactors from everywhere wearing my jewelry. It's awesome to see spectators from previous years wearing my jewelry. One little girl came in and gave me my own blurb about 19th century coral! There's a gaggle of well-dressed young ladies that swear by my stuff, and they parade it around Greenfield as a form of advertising. 

Photos by Lee Cagle

 Another important part of my vendor tent is showcasing a few items that are spectacular from my own collection. Samantha sent darling doll Dolly just in time (yes named after Grandma Dolly!), and Jamie's red pence jug sat just beside her. People asked if they were for sale on numerous occasions. Consider this my very loud, very outspoken sponsor ship! Find Jamie here and Samantha here online.
Another bit of Jamie's work at Greenfield
Dolly definitely made friends!

By Sunday night we were all drained. I pushed myself to attend the party at Lovett Hall, though I did not dance on those two aching feet. Afterward, I showered and scurried back to the vendor area. A torrential downpour after the ball led to me sitting underneath my vendor tent fly, balling my fist at the heavens and demanding it to stop. While I can't scientifically prove my loud protest had any effect on the weather, it did cease and Monday was quite spectacularly without rain during tear down. Which of course is every reenactor's greatest wish.

And just like that, I packed the trailer and went home. I sort of miss my camped out spot, though being a few feet away from a piping hot shower reminds me that I am a 21st century girl through and through. A special thank you to so many people; literally everyone in the 21st Michigan, Mary for feeding me awesome stuff all weekend and helping out, the Morgan family for watching my tent for bathroom breaks, Rosalia keeping me company near the creepy Santas (that's a whole other blog post), and my family for their good stuff like water and food. Let this be a reminder to myself that no matter how important I think I am, it is a solid foundation of love and support that makes it all possible.
And the funny lolz

So I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Thank you to all the men and women who gave their lives to protect this beautiful country, and to all those who continue to do so in any capacity. You are in our thoughts as we celebrate your acts of bravery and cherish your sacrifice.



  1. Weather sure ruins the mood doesn't it. Looks like you enjoyed the weekend and appreciated the freedom to do so (based on your closing line)

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Your tent set up looks amazing, as do you... that pink dress is so lovely on you! :) I am so happy that you like your pence jug, and thank you for recommending my silk purses.


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